Hello, my dear followers! I have some pretty exciting news to share with you to start the New Year. I am returning to graduate school! It’s been nearly 30 years since I started my Master’s, but had to withdraw from school as the demands of motherhood were too great for me to do both back then 🙂
This blog journey began in 2013 as a way for me to record my projects and share them in hopes of inspiring others to knit and crochet. I have so enjoyed being part of this global community of yarn enthusiasts and will continue to do so. However, my blog will be taking a back seat so that I can focus on my studies while I continue to run my business and take care of my family. In addition, I will be closing my Etsy shop where I have been selling handmade Abacus Bracelets.
Thank you for understanding and for your virtual support while I endeavor to reach this personal goal.
I wish you a very happy and peaceful 2022!
With gratitude,